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Acupuncture is the ancient practice of inserting very fine needles into the body in order to influence physiological functioning of the body producing the effect of pain relief, regulation of function and stimulating healing. Nothing is injected or withdrawn. The tiny needle simply stimulates your body’s own healing abilities. Although all the mechanisms by which acupuncture works is not fully understood we have learned some of the ways it stimulates and influences the body. For example, we can show that acupuncture stimulates healing processes by causing the body to release anti-inflammatory and pain relieving compounds. And acupuncture has been shown to increase blood flow, regulate functions and induce deep relaxation. For a more detailed scientific understanding of the mechanism of acupuncture, click here.

The Traditional Chinese understanding of acupuncture explains that acupuncture manipulates your Qi (energy/oxygen) and blood, resolving areas of stagnation and promoting healthy circulation. There are many traditions of acupuncture. Samantha Preis is trained in Traditional Chinese acupuncture but has broadened her skills to include Japanese, Korean, Scalp, Hand, Tung and Tan styles of acupuncture as well.